Youtube Notifications | Weekly Forex Forecast

2016-04-14 2

Youtube Notifications | Weekly Forex Forecast.
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Well hello everybody, Errol here....

This video that I shared with you is all about youtube notifications and its also part of my weekly forex forecast.

My intentions with these videos is all about doing a video for all of you every single week. Sometimes things get a little busy on my side and I cant get to doing a video for you.

So what I do is I go through the charts and I predict what I think the markets will do in the upcoming week. I try and help those of you who are also advanced pattern traders and show you some patterns that are busy forming and might complete in the week to come.

I also shared with all of you in this video how to make sure that all your youtube notifications are ticked. This is so that as soon as I upload a new video you will get a notification that a new video was uploaded by me and you do not miss out on anything that I share with all of you.

One thing you might still have a problem with and that is with the email notifications that youtube send you. Sometimes I get the email that a new video was uploaded by one of my people who I follow and the sometimes they just never send out and email. I think that might be on youtubes.

So for those of you reading here I hope you watched the video and if you did I would like you to please do the following 3 things for me:

1. Like my youtube videos
2. Share my videos with any of your friends and family and specially someone who is looking to create and income online.
3. Subscribe to my youtube channel so you do not miss on my videos that I am uploading.

REMEMBER: Success is a decision and that decision starts with you!

Enjoy the rest of your day

Youtube notifications | weekly forex forecast | youtube email | email youtube | forex trading | yousubscribe | mobile notifications